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Guns and the new Administration

Will President elect Trump follow thru on expectations on firearms legislations or will he disappoint those who went all out to elect …

Common Sense Gun Control

“Common sense gun control laws” is all the President, Vice President and their kindred liberals want. The issue I have is what …

No Fear the Prez is Here

Well, the election is over and if you trust President Obama, we gun owners have nothing to fear. Nothing to fear except …

Guns are Scary

Well, with Halloween just around the corner I felt a few comments about how “scary” guns are would be timely. So, how …

Halloween’s Zombie Apocalypse

Of late there is much attention focused on Zombies and their impending destruction of the world. Hornady in particular came up with …

Home Defense Weapons

What is the best firearm for home defense? This is an ongoing topic of discussion (and argument) around the country. Frankly, there …