Guns are Scary

Well, with Halloween just around the corner I felt a few comments about how “scary” guns are would be timely. So, how many of you believe firearms are scary? How many of your spouses and/or children feel firearms are scary?

I don’t know the answer to this question, but I do believe the media, aided by many school districts and teachers, have managed to instill a fear of firearms in families unfamiliar with them. Working for several years at a gun store/range that offered introduction to shooting classes, I learned firsthand how scared the uninitiated could be. I also learned that with a couple hours instruction on safe gun handling and shooting how enthusiastic most of these people became.

One instance stands out in my addled memory. One Wednesday evening (introduction to shooting classes are every Wednesday evening) a couple came through the door bickering quite seriously. My eavesdropping discovered the husband had purchased an introduction to shooting class for his wife, without discussing it with her beforehand. The dear wife was near tears when she turned to me and announced she was scared of guns, she was scared to even be in a gun store and she did not want to take the class. This was one of those rare days when I was actually rather quick on my feet and I asked the lady specifically what she was afraid of. Turns out she wasn’t sure specifically but “everyone knows guns are scary”. I asked her if she drove a car, she said “of course”. I asked if she used kitchen knives, again “of course”. I asked her if she was afraid of motor vehicles and knives to which she responded (with a bit of a snort) “of course not”. I explained to her that firearms are just tools like a car or a knife and she was not afraid of these tools because she knew how to handle and operate them safely. I suggested that she go ahead with the class and if she did not feel more secure around firearms afterward, I would see if we could refund the price of the class. Long story short, she took the class, shot very well (the class included range time with 5 different handguns) and was so enthusiastic afterward she wanted to buy several firearms, get her concealed carry license, a membership to the range and join the NRA. Talk about doing a 180.

While the foregoing is one of the more positive results I have seen for a little firearms education, it is by no means an exception. Occasionally we would encounter a student who was just too brainwashed to learn and overcome their fear, but there are folks who are afraid to drive or even to leave their homes. By and large people fear the unknown and a little education makes the unknown known. So here’s my gripe: firearms are ubiquitous in our society, why are our schools not teaching our children how to safely handle and enjoy firearms and the shooting sports instead of filling their heads with unfounded fear? Why do the media demonize firearms when so many of these people have never learned the first thing about them? I challenge all of you to help in educating those poor ignorant souls who think firearms are scary. What is really scary is the price of Halloween treats!!

I appreciate your comments, criticism and opinions.

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