Excuse Me Mr. President

Well, here we are only a few days away from a very important (some would say the most important) election in quite some time. While this election is vital to our future economy and social structure, it is also of paramount importance for Gun Issues.

During the debates we heard both candidates claim to support the Second Amendment to our Constitution; however, Mr. Obama qualified his support referring to “common sense” gun controls. The lady who posed the question referred to the Colorado Theatre shooting and “AK 47’s”; the firearm used in this criminal attack was an AR 15 semi-automatic. Apparently neither questioner nor the President knows the difference between an AK47 and an AR15.  They also do not know the difference between automatic and semi-automatic. While I’m talking about what neither of them knows, we can add “controlling” firearms only affects law abiding citizens! Criminals don’t care what the law says, crazy people don’t care either.  That old expression is so true:

“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”

We have over 25,000 (this is no mistake, check it out) gun laws in the USA right now! It is already against the law to kill another human (except in self-defense), to assault anyone with or without a firearm or other weapon, and to use a firearm in the commission of any crime. I believe with these laws and the other 24,997 we have more than enough “gun control”.

I know many of you do not agree with the foregoing. I trust you logically think through your position and invite you to comment here in a thoughtful manner.

AND Don’t forget to VOTE!!!!

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