Obama’s Hoplophobia (Fear of Firearms)

2nd Amendment imagePresident Obama’s 2013 Gun Control Proclamation
This morning we heard Vice President Biden and President Obama, along with four cute kids, for emotional purposes, present their new Gun Control Plan, or did we? What I heard most was a very sympathetic discourse on the victims of violence or gun violence as they prefer. One thing I don’t understand is why violence involving a firearm enjoys a special title? The President and VP never refer golf club violence (the Kennedy family’s favorite weapon), club violence, knife violence, hand to hand violence etc. They then move on to attack what they see as “military” type firearms and high capacity magazines (they call them “clips” but they are ignorant on this as they are on so many other things). Anyway, they fail to accept that a semi-automatic rifle is not defined by its stock, magazine or caliber. They attack the AR-15 like it is some kind of super weapon, it is not! It fires one round with each squeeze of the trigger. It fires a cartridge considered a varmint round among hunters. The 5.56mm/.223 cartridge is a medium range cartridge most used for shooting prairie dogs and ground squirrels. It will kill a human but so will a .22 long rifle or an air rifle, or a knife, an arrow, a club, fists, our bodies, if properly trained. Come on, if our “leadership” truly wants to address violence in our society, let’s look at mental health, let’s look at poverty and let’s look at education, video games, American culture in general which has migrated away from civility to extreme violence.
President Obama/VP Biden’s 23 executive orders do nothing to address the real problem. Their true goal appears to be the disarmament of civilians in the U.S. One must consider, these are not totally stupid men, so what is their real goal and why. They know their 23 points are either currently addressed by existing law or have already been found to be useless (as in the last “assault weapons/high capacity magazine ban) or unconstitutional by the Heller Supreme Court decision. They also know their proposals will not do anything to curb violence in America.
One thing I find interesting is the outbreak of school/mall shootings right after the election; very interesting indeed.
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