Common Sense Gun Control

Duh“Common sense gun control laws” is all the President, Vice President and their kindred liberals want. The issue I have is what is common sense? The more than 20,000 laws pertaining to firearms we already have don’t benefit from common sense? It gives me the feeling that the liberal/progressive folks have more in mind than simple common sense.

To me common sense is to have a few basic laws, which we do have many times over, and enforce them vigorously. Even with this, there are no guarantees that incidents such as New Town can be prevented. Ill-intentioned people procure their weapons on the street because most are already prevented from purchasing weapons legally or they steal them as did the perpetrator at New Town.

A case in point from personal experience: I worked in a gun store/shooting range for several years during my early retirement years. While working for the gun store I personally had six incidents of a convicted felon attempting to purchase a firearm. They were caught by the background check (good) but nothing was ever done about the situation or to them other than denying the transfer. These individuals committed a crime by attempting to purchase a firearm and our government did nothing, but when something bad occurs, the Liberals (and other easily led dolts) clamor for more laws. Why?

Why do we need more laws when we don’t even enforce the current ones? More laws do nothing to deter a criminal, mentally ill person or sociopath. One might assume that the six felons I dealt with used other avenues to secure a weapon when they should have been arrested and prosecuted for the felony they committed attempting to purchase a firearm. Once again our government and its agencies failed to follow through on their job and then cry for more new laws when something goes awry.

What a sad commentary on our government and society when all we can do is talk, create new standards, then sit and pray something happens. How very sad, how inexcusable.

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