A Bad Day in New Town

A truly horrible event played out in New Town, CT a couple of days ago. How could anyone invade a grade school and murder 6-7 year old babies and the sainted teachers who tried to protect them? The sad thing is there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to prevent or assure this will never happen again. It’s true, events like this have happened before, think WW II Concentration Camps where entire families were murdered. Then there was Laos after the Viet Nam War; Soviet Union during virtually it’s entire existence; England’s unimaginable and murderous cruelty in Ireland, Scotland and Whales; the U.S. in dealing with Native American’s and vice-versa. The point is, evil people do evil things and the only defense we have is to be prepared if and when they show up at our door, our schools, our town, our country.

The legions of politicians, TV Talking Heads, Hollywood types and so called Celebrities are calling for more gun laws “to keep this from ever happening again”. Sadly, with well over 20,000 laws relating to firearms it happened again, another law or series of laws will not prevent this happening again. We don’t have even a chance of prevention until the laws are enforced! Should we, God forbid, enforce the laws we already have, then no more are necessary; if we do not, more shall not help one iota.

What is conveniently overlooked is that laws, old and new, are only obeyed by those who are already law abiding. How many ways can it be legislated and stated that killing other people is terribly unacceptable behavior? New, more restrictive laws only affect the law abiding citizens.  Murderous sociopaths don’t step up and turn in their weapons. On the contrary, they relish more laws restricting the law abiding citizens’ access to weapons, and it makes their murder sprees so much easier. Think for a moment about how this terrible attack may have turned out if the person in the front office had a shotgun under the desk (and yes, they need training, but it is not rocket science, a couple of weekends covers it). Teachers with Concealed Handgun License (“CHL”) should be allowed to carry in school; they have already been vetted and in many states, like Texas, must demonstrate firearms proficiency as well as training on how and when to engage. The fact is the mere public knowledge that armed personnel are on campus could prevent a treacherous attack like New Town suffered.  And if it does not completely prevent, it will likely mitigate the death and injuries caused.

The Left, in alliance with the ignorant, clamor for “Common Sense Gun Laws”, I agree.  We need common sense laws, like reducing the number of laws and recognizing that infringing on peaceable law abiding citizens’ rights achieves nothing, zero!  Make the laws few and understandable, and then enforce them.

As always, your viewpoint is welcome and encouraged.

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